Respiratory Tract Infection – My Experience/What I Took

March 7th, 2010

I’m just now getting over a respiratory tract infection that really got a hold on me on Wednesday of last week. I thought it might be helpful if I shared my thought process as to selecting a regimen of herbs and whole foods during the illness so that others could see how the products can be used. Additionally, maybe some of you will have some suggestions that I or any others can use as well.

This particular time, I eventually wound up with a sore throat as well. I haven’t had a sore throat in probably 20 years (and that’s not saying that I haven’t been sick a number of times over those 20 years, just no sore throats.) So – that was a new wrinkle for me.

Water and Sleep

It probably should go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway: Water and rest are very important for us generally, and specifically during recovering from a cold or flu. I tried to apply this advice, but having a 1-1/2 year old means that you don’t get as must rest as you need on a daily basis!

A few years ago, I started having trouble sleeping through the night. I have experimented with a number of approaches and have increased the depth of my sleep with a few products.

  1. 1/8 tsp (one dropper) of MediHerb Licorice liquid at night. Licorice helps stabilize cortisol, and when you stabilize cortisol, you stabilize blood sugar. If you wake at 4 am regularly (give or take an hour) then suspect cortisol / blood sugar issues.
  2. Standard Process Cataplex G (3-6). These are B Vitamins that are calming to the system.
  3. Serene from NeuroScience (1) with Kavinace from NeuroScience (1). Serotonin / GABA / neurotransmitter support. I tried to avoid using these “drug-like” nutriceuticals for years, but have finally come to the conclusion that I just won’t feel well without some support like this.

Immune Support

Whenever I get a respiratory infection, my initial go to product is Standard Process Congaplex. This time I added MediHerb Andrographis Complex after a few days of not resolving as quickly as I expected to be able to.

Another thing to consider during active infection of this sort is to make sure the body has plenty of iodine available. It used to be that country doctors would swab people’s throats with iodine to help fight the infection, but this is long-gone for the most part. I use TPCS Iosol at 10 drops per day. (Note: I had already gone through a long period of iodine replenishment therapy prior to getting ill, so I can tolerate high doses without any problems. If you have not, then you should start really low, and ramp up slowly. Otherwise, you can make yourself feel much worse.)

  1. Congaplex (12-18 per day)
  2. MediHerb Andrographis Complex (6 per day for two days, then 4 per day)
  3. Weed Botanical INF Fighter (9 droppers per day for three days, then 6 droppers)
  4. TPCS Iolsol (10 drops per day). (Please read the note in the above paragraph!)

Encocrine support

It’s always important to support the adrenals when the immune system is working hard to fight infection.

  1. Drenamin (6 per day)
  2. MediHerb Licorice 1:1 (1/4 tsp in the morning)
  3. Symplex M (6 per day) – combination product for male endocrine/hormonal support. Use Symplex F if you’re female. Symplex is a product that, in my opinion, if your over 30 and breathing, you need at least 3 per day.

Sunlight & Vitamin D

  • Biotics Research Vitamin D drops (5/10 drops per day – 400 IU per drop) – Most people can use help in the Vitamin D department. Many of us are inside during the day, and fear of the sun can keep people indoors as well. During illness, Vitamin D intake can be increased to help the immune system that much more.

My First Standard Process “21-day” Purification Program

December 19th, 2009

This took me probably the course of 2 months to complete, and if you know anything about the purification program, it’s only supposed to take three weeks (Ah – duh – as the title of this blog indicates – 21 days!)

The reason that it took so long for me is because it made me feel so incredibly weird. (For the record, I have ongoing issues with heavy metals, and yes, I have the tests to prove it. Mercury and Lead being the primary issues.)

I was determined to complete the bottles of SP Complete, SP Cleanse, and SP Green Food somehow.

Here is how I started – I would take a few SP Cleanse capsules, 3 times a day. I think I started at a total of 9 per day, and gradually worked up to the recommended 21 per day by about day 4. Days 1 and 2 were fine, but as the dosage increased, I began to feel exacerbation of symptoms I’ve been experiencing for a few years now. The truth is that when this happens, you know that you are on the right track, in the sense that obviously something is overloading your system to make you feel this way. That’s what I tried to keep telling myself, but in the end, I had to abort.

I then decided that something is always better than nothing, so I made my mind up to do as much of the SP Cleanse on the weekends as I could handle, until the bottle was gone. I’m not the best at being consistent, so some weekends I missed (well, a lot of weekends I missed), most likely due to the fact that I both did and didn’t want to feel like crap.

I did that for a while until I finally decided just to put the SP Cleanse capsules in my regular regimen at a whopping 6 capsules per day. Enough, I thought, to keep the liver and kidneys detoxifying at an accelerated rate (in comparison to the normal rate) and yet keep the symptoms from being overwhelming. In the end, it did work. Additionally, after finishing the bottle of SP Cleanse, I started on the bottle of SP Green Food, and worked though that at a rate of 10 per day.

At the end of it all, I can say that I do feel better, although I’m certain that I need to give another go at the program. I started this first purification program around July 2009, and might consider doing another one in Jan/Feb 2010? Who knows, but I am convinced that this is the most rigorous purification program out there, and that the benefits of purification definitely outweigh the difficulties.

An Overview of the Endocrine System and Types of Hormones

December 4th, 2009


Your endocrine system is a complex network comprised of integrated hormone-producing glands and organs. Its function, like that of the nervous system, is communication; the endocrine system produces and releases different types of hormones to maintain and control a number of important functions throughout the body, including growth and development, metabolism, and tissue function. A hormone imbalance (either too much or too little hormone volume) can have a drastic effect on body function.

The main purpose of the endocrine system is extracellular (outside the cell) communication; while the nervous system communicates using neurons and electricity, the endocrine system uses chemicals, called hormones, to communicate between cells and regulate body functions. Components of the endocrine system include hormone-producing glands, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, and thyroid, and organs such as the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Each of the glands and organs in the endocrine system produces different types of hormones that perform different functions.

A number of different conditions can affect the way the endocrine system functions. Some of these conditions are natural: our endocrine system functions differently when we age, for example. There can be a genetic, or hereditary, component to the way an individual’s endocrine system works as well. However, a number of external substances can also affect endocrine function. These substances, called environmental endocrine disruptors (EEDs), consist of commercial synthetic chemicals and, although the full effect of their introduction into our environment is unknown, have been linked to birth defects, immune system disorders, neurological changes, and more.

Types of Hormones and What They Do

In order to regulate the myriad functions required for normal bodily function, the glands and organs that comprise the endocrine system create many types of hormones, each with a specific function. Included in the different types of hormones your endocrine system produces are the following:

  • Vasopressin — Created by the hypothalamus, vasopressin prompts the pituitary gland to release a hormone that helps maintain blood pressure and water and electrolyte balance.
  • Growth Hormone — Growth hormone, or GH, is one of the types of hormones produced by the pituitary gland (one of the most important glands in the endocrine system); GH stimulates growth during childhood and also stimulates cell reproduction, which helps adults maintain muscle and bone mass.
  • Calcitonin — Calcitonin, produced by the thyroid gland, aids in bone construction.
  • Insulin — Insulin regulates glucose, or sugar intake, by helping it move from the blood into cells. It is one of the types of hormones produced by the pancreas.
  • Adrenaline — Produced within the adrenal glands (small glands located at the top of each kidney), adrenaline works with noradrenaline to produce the “fight or flight” response by increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain and muscles, dilating the pupils, and suppressing bodily functions not useful in an emergency situation (such as digestion).
  • Noradrenaline — Noradrenaline works with adrenaline to help the endocrine system produce the “flight or flight” response; in an emergency situation, it boosts the oxygen supply to the brain and the supply of glucose to the muscles.

This list comprises only a few of the types of hormones produced by the endocrine system.

Hormone Imbalance

Each of the many types of hormones fulfills a specific function by signaling a different message to the cells, tissues, or organs involved. A hormone imbalance, a situation in which there is too much or too little of a specific hormone, can result in a number of different endocrine system disorders, some more serious than others.

  • Diabetes — Diabetes is one of the more serious results of hormone imbalance in that, if it is left undiagnosed and/or untreated, it can result in blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and death. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas either produces too little insulin or does not effectively use the insulin it does produce. Insulin is the hormone that helps the body process sugar in the bloodstream.
  • Growth Disorders — Your pituitary gland, also referred to as the “Master Gland” of the endocrine system, produces growth hormone (GH) which, in the proper levels, stimulates and regulates growth throughout the body. A growth hormone imbalance can, in the event of too much growth hormone, cause gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults; a hormone imbalance in which the endocrine system produces too little GH can result in growth hormone deficiency (GHD), which can lead to stunted growth in children and symptoms such as decreased bone mass in adults.
  • Other Disorders — There are more than 6,000 known endocrine system disorders caused by hormone imbalance; for information about these rare, or “orphan,” diseases, please visit this endocrine system disorders resource page.
  • A dangerous and potentially fatal hormone imbalance can also be caused by hormone abuse, which has become a growing problem in the United States, especially among high school-aged youth. The use of anabolic steroids–which should only be taken under the direction of a health professional–is increasing among both male and female members of that age group. At that time of development the endocrine system is working to bring about a number of changes, both physical and mental, and young athletes may be tempted to use steroids to increase their athletic ability and body image. The long-term effects of this misuse of hormones and the resulting hormone imbalance are unknown, but could include increased aggressive behavior and mood swings, and may lead to developmental disorders.

A Wholistic Approach to Menopause

November 30th, 2009

The truth is many women suffer greatly through the process of menopause, and this can take years in many cases. Diet and lifestyle changes can make this time of life far more bearable. Insist on a diet rich in whole foods (avoid “convenience” foods and everything with cellophane wrapping!), consistent, healthful, weight-bearing exercise, plenty of spring water, and whole food supplements and you should see gradual but noticeable improvements in a period of a few months. Additionally, be careful what oils and fats you put into your body. Your body craves good, high-quality oils and fats to help hormonal balance. Olive Oil, high-quality butter from healthy cows, and coconut oil are some of that fats that can make a difference. Avoid processed, low-fat, zero-cholesterol chemical-rubbish foods.

The whole food supplements that I find provide a good starting point for menopausal women are as follows: Symplex F (6), Cataplex F (3-6), Cataplex B (4-6), Min-Tran (6), and Blue Ice High Vitamin Fermented Cod Liver Oil (1 tsp or 2 capsules). (All dosages are daily amounts. I suggest dividing the doses and taking them at your first meal and last meal of the day). Combine this with a good balanced diet and healthful exercise and you should see symptom improvement in a matter of months. As far as diet is concerned, I like the Mediterranean diet as well as Melvin Page’s phase 1 or phase 2 diets.

One additional consideration: if you suffer from severe menopausal symptoms, iodine deficiency could be playing a role. The Cataplex F and Min-Tran both contain a small amount of iodine, but if you are deficient, you should consider adding Prolamine Iodine (2-3) as well. You can also consider a program of iodine loading. (Please contact me if you are considering this – it is totally safe, if done right. Done incorrectly, it can lead to making symptoms much worse.)

The Power of Thought: The “Thought” for the Day

November 27th, 2009

Most of us who are on a healing journey requiring a regimen of proper eating, supplements, exercise, and perhaps even medications may or may not realize the power that thought has in the process of true well-being.

To make this point very clear, consider this: A study was once performed on Japanese children when the study of psychoneuroimmunology was in its infancy, and should serve to challenge all of our beliefs as to the full and true power that thought has on the human body.

These children took part in an experiment where a leaf of a poison ivy-like plant was rubbed onto one forearm. A nonpoisonous leaf resembling the toxic plant was rubbed on the other forearm for the purpose of control. What would you expect to happen? As you might expect, almost all of the children had no response to the non-toxic leaf, while most did break out in a rash on the arm rubbed with the toxic leaf.

Here’s the problem: The leaves were purposely mislabeled. If you’re allergic to such plants, how would you react emotionally to someone purposely rubbing a toxic leaf on you? Most of us (myself included) would react internally with gobs of fear and apprehension. Not to mention, we’ve already concluded in our minds the unchangeable nature of allergy, right? I’m allergic, there’s no changing that, so I’m going to get a horrible rash. In this study, in the majority of cases, no rash resulted from contact with the toxic leaf that was thought to be the harmless control.

The conclusion is simple: positive perceptions enhance health, and negative perceptions precipitate disease.

Spend some time each day meditating on perceptions that you have of the world that cause you to sabotage yourself, and write positive counterarguments to those.

Additionally, if you have negative perceptions that you know about, but have difficulty changing, consider using something like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, to release those perceptions and beliefs. I am a rank amateur at this technique, but have found that it is very powerful for changing beliefs at core levels. At present, I work on people for free (as I am learning the art), and presently need 95 more people to volunteer. If you are interested, contact me at or 800.826.2096. You need not come in; I can do it over the phone (skype preferred!). Sessions take around 1 hour.

(Based on the post The Nature of Disease, Bruce H. Lipton)

What Basic Supplements Should I Take?

November 23rd, 2009

This is an excellent question. People who understand the value of nutrition are bombarded with countless products, many of which seem to be excellent choices, but if we were to buy into the hype of all of the supplement companies for every supplement they make, we would be taking tons of pills and spending more money than we have.

Essentially, I simplify this as follows: Pretty much everyone needs endocrine support, a good source of fats, minerals, and B Vitamins. A good basic starting point could be:

  • Endocrine: Symplex F (female) or Symplex M (male). These are combination products that support many of the endocrine glands. Also consider adding Hypothalmex
  • Fats: Tuna Omega 3 Oil, Cod Liver Oil or Black Currant Seed Oil
  • Minerals: Min-Tran, Min-Chex, or Orchex. Also Catalyn is an excellent whole food source of many vitamins, and great source of trace minerals.
  • B Complex: Cataplex B (if blood pressure is 110/70 or below) and Cataplex G (if blood pressure is over 110/70)

Of course, if you have other specific issues that you are needing specific support for, email me or give me a call at 800.826.2096, and we can set you up with a free symptom survey to better determine a supplementation plan that is right for you.

Case Study: Supporting Female Hormone Balance with Whole Food Supplements

November 23rd, 2009

“You have saved my life”

This particular client of mine is a 52 year-old woman who presented with depression, and was to the point that she had to get up 30 minutes earlier than normal for work each day, so that she could get all of her crying out while walking on a treadmill in order to be ready for the day. This was literally and every day occurrence. She had been taking Evening Primrose Oil and Cod Liver Oil, which was helping, but didn’t make the sadness go away. I had her do a symptom survey (which I will soon make available on this site to everyone that wants to get a better understanding of what systems need support) and found multiple functional imbalances in her sympathetic/parasympathetic system, blood sugar management, endocrine system (thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands). She also had B Vitamin and mineralization issues.

She has to watch costs very closely, so I decided merely to give her a couple of supplements for her to try and see if she felt better. I chose Symplex F, for overall female endocrine system support, and Cataplex B, to give her a powerful B Vitamin complex that helps with the nervous system, the generation of neurotransmitters, and healthy blood sugar management. I started her a 6 per day of each supplement. She quickly reported that she only needed about 1-2 per day of each of the Symplex F and Cataplex B, and what was even more instructive was that she felt so good that she thought she was cured! After running out of the supplements, she decided not to get more, but quickly realized in a few days that the supplements were supporting and balancing her system. She now makes sure to keep extra on hand so that she doesn’t run out. She says: “You have saved my life”

Generally, I like to give more support than this for clients that are going through something this debilitating. But in her case I had to choose carefully the core support that would give her the biggest bang for her buck – and that’s a challenge. She continues to use four products: Evening Primrose Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Symplex F, and Cataplex B, and is feeling much, much better.

Using Whole Food Supplements for Sleep Maintenence Issues

November 21st, 2009

The reasons why we don’t always sleep through the night can be many and varied. If you find that you are waking at 3-4 am on a consistent basis, then the most likely culprit is blood sugar issues. The body has several ways that it can add sugar to the blood stream to keep you in the proper “window” of blood sugar. It turns out that the body’s last resort is adrenaline, which when released into the blood stream boosts blood sugar, but if this happens at night, of course the other side-effect is that you wake up. To make matters worse, it becomes a vicious cycle. Poor sleep keeps the body from being able to manage its chemistry properly, and you keep waking up in the middle of the night, and it seems like it will never end.

B-Vitamins are the first thing to try with poor sleep, but I have found that the only B-Vitamins I trust are from Standard Process – they are the only fully whole food vitamin B complexes that I know of that also include a little known fat-soluable vitamin B only available from animal tissue. Cataplex B (one-half of the B Complex family) is great for blood sugar management, and Cataplex G (the other half of the B Complex family) is incredible for calming the nerves and promoting sleep. In fact, it can be as simple as using 1-6 Cataplex G tablets, along with 3 Min-Tran at night to promote a wonderfully restful sleep pattern.

To be sure, Standard Process are only available from a qualified health care practitioner. If you would like to consider the possible benefits of trying some of these products, please contact me at I will have you take a symptom survey that will assist me in determining nutritional and mineral status of your system to help your body normalize.