BMI Calculator and Chart for Adult Men and Women
Free Nutritional Evaluation
Give the gift of greater health to yourself by taking advantage of a free nutritional evaluation
by Scott Maness, Certified Health Specialist.
Other Calculators
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator
Understanding the Body Mass Index (BMI) Chart
Directions: Find your weight on the bottom of the graph. Go straight up from that point until you come to the line
that matches your height. Then look to find your weight group.
Healthy Weight: BMI from 18.5 up to 25
refers to healthy weight.
Overweight: BMI from 25 up to 30
refers to overweight.
Obese: BMI 30 or higher refers to obesity. Obese
persons are also overweight.
The BMI ranges shown above are for adults only. They are not exact ranges of healthy
and unhealthy weights. However, they show that health risk increases at higher
levels of overweight and obesity. Even within the healthy BMI range, weight
gains can carry health risks for adults.
Stewarding Lifestyle Changes Gracefully
Have you found that you need to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle? How
you "talk" to yourself is important when making changes.
Many people commonly use phrases like: "I need to go on a diet and lose weight."
Since much of our actions are merely a reflection of the internal messages bouncing
around inside our heads, it is a good idea to spend some time listening to those
messages and what they're really saying, so as to understand how best to reshape
the inner dialog.
Think In Terms of Exploring New Possibilities
How does your body feel when you think of those first words: "I need to go on a
diet?" Do you feel tight? Do you feel like life is about to end as you know it?
Do thoughts of pain and deprivation overtake you, to the point that change just
seems impossible? This is at the root of why the words that we choose can mean the
difference between success and failure, indeed, between getting out of the starting
block or not even showing up for the race.
How about saying: "I love food so much that I want to explore new foods and sensations
that are rejuvenating and healthful to me!" Say this, or another similarly positive
and empowering message to yourself often, to recast your mental image of foods you
avoid to one that is truly nourishing and life-giving. Examine the
Phase II meal plan and imagine
positively how some of these foods will delight
your palette as you explore recipes and ways of preparing these foods for your body's
Say: "I'm Getting Rid of Weight"
Many times the thing we might say to ourselves about weight has to
do with "losing" weight. How do you feel when you lose your wallet or your car keys?
The "loss" drives you to expend energy to "find" the lost items. Could it be possible
that people are programming themselves to "find" "lost" weight by repeating the
message to lose weight? I much prefer it when people under my care rephrase this
as getting rid of weight.
Previous: Are You Overweight?
Adapted from: Losing Weight: Start By Counting Calories (
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