Exercise Equipment or Coat Rack?Fitness Goals: Where Do You Want Your Exercise Equipment to Take You?
After you've evaluated the advertised claims -
but before you make a final purchasing decision
- consider these questions:
- Will the equipment help you achieve your
desired goal - whether it's to build
strength, increase flexibility, improve
endurance, or enhance your health?
- Will you stick to the program? Keeping
with an exercise program can be rough:
Think of all the basements, rec rooms and
yard sales stocked with costly stationary
bikes, treadmills and rowing machines that
have gone unused and now serve merely as
places to hang clothes. Before you buy,
prove to yourself that you're ready to act on
your good intentions.
To help you choose the best equipment for your
needs, check out consumer and fitness magazines
that rate exercise equipment. Then test
various pieces of equipment at a local gym, recreation
center or retailer to find the machine or device that feels
comfortable to you.
Shop around: Exercise equipment advertised
on TV or in newspapers or magazines may be
available at local sporting goods, department
and discount stores. That can make it easier to
shop for the best price. Don't be fooled by
companies that advertise "three easy payments
of ..." or "only $49.95 a month." The advertised
price may not include shipping and handling
fees, sales tax, and delivery and set-up
fees. Ask about the costs before you close the
Get details on warranties, guarantees and
return policies: A 30-day money-back guarantee,
may not sound as good if you're responsible
for paying a hefty fee to return a bulky
piece of equipment you bought.
Check out the company's customer and
support services. Call the advertised toll-free
number to get an idea of how easy it is to reach
a company representative and how helpful he or
she is.
You may get a great deal on a piece of fitness
equipment from a second-hand store, consignment
shop, yard sale, or the classified ads. Buy
wisely: Items bought second-hand usually
aren't returnable and don't carry the warranties
that new equipment does.
Whether used or new, home exercise equipment
can be a great way to shape up, but
only if you use it regularly. Don't be taken in
by claims of quick, easy and effortless results:
There's no such thing as a no-work, no-sweat
way to a toned body.
Previous: Evaluating Exercise Equipment Claims: Which Will be a Success at Helping Your Body Burn More Calories?
Adapted from: Pump Fiction (http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/products/pumpfict.htm)
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