Maintaining a Healthy Weight: When Change Comes From Every Angle
Permanent Weight Loss
When she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in February 1999, Croft got
scared. "I worried about the health consequences--about going blind. I already
have a little numbness in my feet."
Croft went on a diet and lost 200 pounds in 19 months. She has continued to
keep it off for more than three years. "This is the third time I've lost over
100 pounds," says the 52-year-old, 150-pound Croft, "but this is the longest
I've been able to keep the weight off." In her two previous weight losses, Croft
ate nutritious meals, but didn't exercise. This time, she started walking for
exercise, but could only walk about a block at first. "My husband went with me
because he was afraid I wouldn't make it," she says. Now, Croft walks on a
treadmill for 50 minutes a day--25 minutes each morning and night.
She still eats balanced meals, but restricts her portions. And she always
eats breakfast. "I have Egg Beaters, two pieces of low-calorie bread, fruit,
decaf coffee, and 8 ounces of water." Croft dines out almost every night,
typically eating half her dinner of grilled chicken or salmon and a vegetable or
salad. She sends the other half back so she isn't tempted to overeat.
"Losing the weight was easy--maintaining it is much harder," says Croft.
Croft had tried commercial weight-loss programs in the past, but this last
time she did it on her own. "You have to find out what works for you," she
Croft's diabetes is under control now without medication. And she says her
knees don't hurt anymore, she can buy clothes in a regular store, and she
started traveling again now that she can fit into an airplane seat.
Next: Knowing Where Your Going: Setting Weight Goals
Previous: How Your Lifestyle Affects Your Health
Adapted from: Losing Weight: Start By Counting Calories (
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