Weight Training Successfully Addresses Issues That Seniors Face: The Loss of Bone Density and Balance
Trying to Find a Natural Way to Maintain Weight Loss?
Restoration of Balance and Reduction of Falls
As people age, poor balance and flexibility contribute to falls and broken
bones. These fractures can result in significant disability and, in some cases,
fatal complications. Strengthening exercises, when done properly and through the
full range of motion, increase a person's flexibility and balance, which
decrease the likelihood and severity of falls. One study in New Zealand in women
80 years of age and older showed a 40% reduction in falls with simple strength
and balance training.
Strengthening of Bone
Post-menopausal women can
lose 1-2% of their bone mass annually. Results from a study conducted at Tufts
University, which were published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association in 1994, showed that weight training increases bone density
and reduces the risk for fractures among women aged 50-70.
Proper Weight Maintenance
Weight training is crucial to weight control, because individuals who have
more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that
consumes calories while stored fat uses very little energy. Weight training
can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful
for weight loss and long-term weight control.
Next: Senior Adults + Weight Training = Success in Improving Diabetes, Depression, and even Sleep!
Previous: Is Weight Training a Good Idea for Senior Adults?
Adapted from: Growing Stronger - Strength Training for Older Adults: Why Strength Training? (http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/physical/growing_stronger/why.htm)
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